Thursday, July 30, 2009


This brand started with doing the logo design which went through an incredible amount of comps before arriving at the final choice. The icon is based on an on/off button on a computer since Environmental Ink is essentially about new technologies taking the printing process into the eco-age. / / / / / I modified it by putting an evergreen tree inside the button which also doubles as an arrow, the key element in the recycling icon. The round shape around it is not only inspired from a computer on/of switch it also represents planet Earth and the round cylinders on a printing press. Since this company is based on a very high speed digital press the icon is also representative of the hand of a clock or stopwatch to convey a sense of time and speed for printing jobs. / / / / / The icon was designed to be used with the logotype or used separately as an icon much like the recycle icon. The end use would be to tag print jobs with the icon and develop the brand to the point where the icon reads as eco-friendly printing. / / / / / The other sample pieces are examples of taking the initial brand identity and implementing it in all the collateral as a complete branding campaign.

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